- Talal M. Eltayeb, Yousif I Eltoham, and Amal H Abuaffan (2017). Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma: Case Report.Journal of Otolaryngology- ENT Research;8(6): 00268. DOI: 10.15406/joentr.2017.08.00268.
- Hiba S. Abduljalil and Amal H. Abuaffan (2017). Early Childhood Caries Prevalence in Sudanese Preschool Children. Indian Journal of Dental Education;10(2): 73-77. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijde.0974.6099.10217.1
- Amal H.Abuaffan, Yousif I Eltohami, Alaa Abd-Allah, Alaa Mohammed, Alaa Mubarak and Reem Husham.(2017). Pattern and Treatment Modalities of Chronic Osteomyelitis of the Jaws Among a Sample of Sudanese Patients, Journal of OralHealth and Dentistry; 1(3)119-128.
- Yousif I Eltoham, Nour E Alim, and Amal H Abuaffan (2017). Snuff Dipping Sudanese Tombak Keratosis – A Case Report. Medical case report. volume3(1) DOI: 10.21767/2471-8041.100043
- Yousif I Eltoham, Nour E Alim, and Amal H Abuaffan (2017). Microcystic Lymphatic Malformation: A case Report. Dentistry;7:3. DOI:10.4172/2161-1122.1000416.
- Yousif I Eltoham, Nour E Alim, Ahmed M Suliman and Amal H Abuaffan (2017). Wide Field of Canceriaztion Case Report. EC Dental Science 7.5 : 180-183.
- Yousif I Eltohami, Amal H. Abuaffan, Israa Bakry, Israa Abdulla, Israa Mahmod, Ala M. Abdulla (2016). Pattern of Odontogenic Fascial Space Infections among a Sample of Sudanese Patients Indian Journal of Dental Education; 9(4): 209-217. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijde.0974.6099.9416.1.
- Amal H. Abuaffan (2016). Class II D2 Malocclusion Case with Complete Deep Bite and Supplemental Tooth in the Lower Jaw. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health; 8(8):501-503.
- Ammar A. Daer a, Amal H. Abuaffan (2016). Cephalometric norms among a sample of Yamani adults. Orthodontic Waves; 75, 3 5 – 4
- Yousif I Eltohami, Amal H. Abuaffan (2016).Traumatic Eosinophilic Ulcer Clinical Images. Journal of Dental Health, Oral Disorders & Therapy; 5(2): 00149. DOI: 10.15406/jdhodt.2016.05.00149.
- Hajar O Ali, Yousif I Eltohami, Amal H Abuaffan and Shiraz Altigani (2016). Herpes zoster case report. Clinical Research and Trials; 2(4): 190-191. doi: 10.15761/CRT.1000144
- Yousif I Eltoham, AmalH. Abuaffan (2016). Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis Case Report Journal of Investigative Genomics; 3(1): 00043. DOI: 10.15406/jig.2016.02.00043
- Yousif I Eltoham, AmalH. Abuaffan (2016). Cancrum Oris, Dentistry, 6(9). doi:10.4172/2161-1122.1000i102
- Yousif I. Eltoham, Amal H. Abuaffan (2016). SevereThrombocytopenia. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health; 8(9):591-592.
- Adam SA, Yousif IE, Amal HA, Mariam EE and Alim EN (2016). Multiple Expansile Jaw Radiolucencies Case Report Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences; 1 (3): 000116.
- Salama M. Hamza, Yousif I Eltoham, Amal H. Abuaffan and Shiraz El Tagani (2016). A Case Study of Osteochemonecrosis. Drug Design Development & Therapy Open Access Journal 1 (1)00002. DOI:10.15406/ddtoaj.2016.01.00002
- Yousif I Eltohami, Nour E Alim & Amal Abuaffan (2016) Venous Malformation Case Report Journal of Hospital and Medical Mangement. 2(2):11. DOI: 10.4172/2471-9781.100016 Yousif I Eltohami, Nour E Alim & Amal Abuaffan (2016) Venous Malformation Case Report Journal of Hospital and Medical Mangement. 2(2):11. DOI: 10.4172/2471-9781.100016
- Amal H. Abuaffan (2016) Anterior X- bite. Annals of clinical and Laboratory Research 4(2):88. Laboratory Research
- Yousif I Eltohami, Nour E Alim & Amal Abuaffan (2016) Sudanese Male with Erosive Lichen Planus Case report, Journal of Hospital and Medical Mangement. 2(2):12. DOI: 10.4172/2471-9781.100017
- Yousif I Eltohami and Amal H Abuaffan (2016). Fixed tongue, Case report. Enzyme Engineering. 5:3. DOI:10.4172/2329-6674.1000i101
- Amal H. Abuaffan (2016) Intra oral image of dental fluorosis, International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health; 8(7):455-456.
- Mustafa Abualella, Amal H. Abaffan (2016). Psychosocial impact of dental aesthetics among Sudanese high school students. Brazilian Dental Science; 19(2):55-62.
- Bushra M. Hasan and Amal H. Abuaffan (2016). Correlation between Chronological Age, Dental Age and Skeletal Maturity in a sample of Sudanese Children Maturity in a sample of Sudanese Children. Global Journal of Medical Research: Dentistry and Otolaryngology Research; 16 (1)13-21. Online ISSN: 2249-4618 & Print ISSN: 0975-5888
- Sama Hamid and Amal Abuaffan (2016) Facial soft tissue thickness in a sample of Sudanese adults with different occlusions. Forensic Science International. 266; 209-2014.
- Sara Nasar Mahmoud and Amal Hussein Abuaffan(2016)Sudanese Individual with Special Need . Adv Genet Eng 5: 154. doi:10.4172/2169-0111.1000154
- Hiba S. Abduljalil and Amal H. Abuaffan (2016) Knowledge and Practice of Mother in relation to Dental Health of Pre School Children. Adv Genet Eng 5:153.doi:10. 10.4172/2169-0111.1000153
- Amal H. Abuaffan. (2016) Clinical Image of malocclusion Case, Otolaryngology:OpenAccess;(6)2. http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2161-119X.1000i003
- Ahmed LS and Abuaffan AH (2016). Prevalence of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders among Sudanese University Students. J Oral Hyg Health; 4(2): doi.org/10.4172/2332-0702.1000202.
- Maha Helaly and Amal Abuaffan (2016) Association between Sickle cell disease and malocclusion among a sample of Sudanese children. Indian Journal of Dental Education; 9(2):82-87.
- Nissreen N. Mergany, Yahia E. Ibrahim and Amal H. Abuaffan (2016). Knowledge and attitude of Sudanese school health teacher regarding first aid management of dental trauma. Dental, oral and craniofacial research journal. 2(2)242-246.
- Ghassan B. Abdulkareem, Amal H. Abuaffan (2016) Dental Anomalies among a Sample of Sudanese Orthodontic Patients. OHDM 15(6) December, 1-5.
- Ammar Abdulkareem Daer and Amal Hussein Abuaffan (2016). Skeletal and Dento alveolar Cephalometric Features of AnteriorOpen Bite among Yemeni Adults. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Scientifica: Article ID 314792, Page.1-5.
- Dina H. Hassan and Amal H. Abuaffan (2016) Prevalence of anterior open bite among university students. Enz Eng. 5 (1):1-4.
- Ahmed FH and Abuaffian AH (2016). Oral Habits and Occlusal characteristic in Preschool Children in Khartoum State. Pediatric Dental Care: Open Access.1(1) doi:10.4172/pdc.1000105
- Mahdi FM, Abuaffan AH. (2016) Impact of orthodontic treatment need on oral health related quality of life among Khartoum secondary school students. Int J Res Rep;2(3): 86- 95
- IssraI. Elfadel and Amal H. Abuaffan (2016) Prevalence and aetiology of midline diastema Sudanese university students Indian Journal of Dental Education,9(1):15-20.
- Daer AA and Abuaffan AH (2016). Prevalence of Anterior Open Bite among Yemeni Adults, Journal of Developing Drugs 5(1)1-3. 148. doi:10.4172/2329- 6631.1000148.
- Sahar E. Elsideeg and Amal H. Abuaffan (2016),Trumatic Dental injuries and Associated Risks Factor among Sudanese School Children. J. Dent Oral Care; 2(1):1-4.
- Eman I. Salama and Amal H. Abuaffan (2015). Cephalometric Hard and Soft Tissue Norms for Sudanese Adults. Orthodontic Journal of Nepal; 5(2):28-32.
- Elmahgoub FA, Abuaffan AH (2015) Psychosocial Effect of Malocclusion among Sudanese University Dental Students. J Mol Imag Dynamic 5: 122. doi:10.4172/2155-9937.1000122
- Musaad AH, Abuaffan AH, Khier E (2015) Prevalence of Fissured and Geographic Tongue Abnormalities among University Students in Khartoum State, Sudan. Enz Eng; 5: 137. doi:10.4172/2329-6674.1000137.
- Amal H. Abuaffan (2015) Erupted Mesiodens Tooth between Upper Central Permanent Incisors. International Journal of clinical and Medical imaging. Volume 2 Issue 11, 1000391.
- Maha Helaly and Amal H. Abuaffan (2015) Association between Sickle Cell Disease and Dental Caries among Sudanese Children. Journal of Molecular Imaging and Dynamics, 5(1):1-4.
- Etaf M. Norein and Amal H. Abuaffan (2015) Oral Health Status, Traumatic Dental Injuries and Malocclusion among a Sample of Sudanese Visually Impaired Individuals. Indian Journal of Dental Education, 8(4):185-189.
- Amal H. Abuaffan (2015) Angle CI: III Malocclusion, Sever Anterior Crowding and Open Bite, with Posterior Cross Bite and Open Bite Bilaterally. International Journal of clinical and Medical imaging. Special Issue October S1-002.
- Amal H. Abuaffan (2015) Hypercementosis Roots of All Upper and Lower Second Premolars. International Journal of clinical and Medical Imaging. Special Issue October S1-004.
- Lina S. Ali and Amal H. Abuaffan (2015) Facial profile preferences, self-awarenss and perception among a sample of university student .Clinical Case Report and Reviews.1(10)244-248.
- Malaz N. Siddig and Amal H. Abuaffan. (2015)Knowledge and attitude of primary school teachers regarding emergency management of dental trauma, in Khartoum state. Indian Journal of Dental Education; 8 (3):113-121.
- Fatima A. Elmahagoub and Amal H. Abuaffan (2015) The impact of orthodontic treatment need related to dental health on the oral health- related quality of life of dental students. Clinical Research and Trials. 1(3):70-74.
- Maktoom Alqadi, Mayada Zaitoun, Amal Abuaffan and abdulaziz samran. (2015) Shearing bond strengths of orthodontic brackets bonded to Fluorotic teeth with self-etching primer. An in vitro study. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. 6 (10):6594-6597
- Tyseer E. Seid Ahmed and Amal H. Abuaffan (2015) Correlation between body mass index and dental caries among a sample of Sudanese children. Brazilian Dental Science. 18(3):42-51.
- Ensaf H. AbdAlgabbar and Amal H Abuaffan(2015) Dental Caries Status in a Sample of Sudanese Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. J Dent & Oral Care 1(3): 1-3.
- Amal H. Abuaffan (2015) Tongue Abnormalities. International Journal of clinical and Medical imaging. Volume 2 Issue 6, 1000338.
- Amal H. Abuaffan and Samir A. Salih (2015) Malaligned Teeth and Periodontal Health in the Anterior Segment among a Sample of Sudanese Patients. Pyrex Journal of Dentistry and oral Hygiene (PJDOH).1(3)13-23.
- Ensaf H. AbdAlgabbar and Amal H Abuaffan(2015) Dental Care Barriers among a Sample of Sudanese Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Pyrex Journal of Dentistry and oral Hygiene (PJDOH).1(2)9-12.
- Amal H. Abuaffan and Lara T. Elamin (2015). Oral Hygiene Performance among a sample of Sudanese Orthodontic Patients. Pyrex Journal of Dentistry and oral Hygiene(PJDOH).1(1)1-8
- Ammar A.Daeir and Amal H. Abuaffan (2015). Prevalence of Open Bite among Yamani Adults. Al-Azharc Journal of Dental Science, 17(2)125-129.
- Hiba A. Ibrahim, Amal H. Abuaffan (2015). Prevalence of Malocclusion and Orthodontic Treatment Needs among Down syndrome Sudanese Individuals. Brazilian Dental Science. 18(1)95-101.
- Ensaf H. AbdAlgabbar, Amal H. Abuaffan (2015). Parental Perception of Oral Health Status for Sudanese Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Khartoum State Journal of Medical and Biological Science Research Vol. 1 (1) pp.1-6,
- Mai I. Omer and Amal H. Abuaffan (2015) Prevalence of oral Habits and its Effect in Dentition among Sudanese Preschool Children in Khartoum City. Indian Journal of Dental Education. 8(2) 57-62.
- Ismail MA, Abuaffan AH (2015). Tooth size discrepancy among different malocclusion groups in Sudanese sample. Orthod Waves. Volume 74(1) 1-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.odw.2015.01.001
- Fatima A. Elmahgoub, Amal H. Abuaffan,(2014) The Impact of Aesthetic Orthodontic Treatment Needs on the Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of Dental Students, Global Journal of Medical: Dentistry and Otolaryngology Research;14(6)15-24. Online ISSN: 2249-4618 & Print ISSN: 0975-5888
- Sarrah E. Elbashir. Amal H. Abu Affan(2014).Cephalometric Features of Class II Division 1 Malocclusion in a Sudanese Sample. Orthodontic journal of Cypers online.
- Duaa Abdulrahman Hassan, Amal H Abuaffan and Hyder A Hashim,(2014). Prevalence of hypodontia in a sample of Sudanese orthodontic patients. Journal of orthodontic science.3(3)63-67.
- R. I. Siddig, A. AbuAfan, E.M. Awooda,(2014). Prevalence of external apical root resorption among sample of Sudanese orthodontic treated patients with fixed appliances. International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2103 (Online) http://www.cibtech.org/jmc.htm; 4(1)307-311.
- Amal H. Abu Affan, Roa M. Abdulrahman (2014). Occlusal Characteristics of Primary Dentition in Sudanese Children in Khartoum State. Brazilian Dental Science.17(2)3-9.
- Amal Abuaffan and Abeer Saror(2014). Prevalence of hypodontia in permanent dentition a sample of Sudanese university students. International Arab journal of dentistry; 5(2)59-64.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer adipiscing erat eget risus sollicitudin pellentesque et non erat. Maecenas nibh dolor, malesuada et bibendum a, sagittis accumsan ipsum. Pellentesque ultrices ultrices sapien, nec tincidunt nunc posuere ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam scelerisque tristique dolor vitae tincidunt. Aenean quis massa uada mi elementum elementum. Nec sapien convallis vulputate rhoncus vel dui.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer adipiscing erat eget risus sollicitudin pellentesque et non erat. Maecenas nibh dolor, malesuada et bibendum a, sagittis accumsan ipsum. Pellentesque ultrices ultrices sapien, nec tincidunt nunc posuere ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam scelerisque tristique dolor vitae tincidunt. Aenean quis massa uada mi elementum elementum. Nec sapien convallis vulputate rhoncus vel dui.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer adipiscing erat eget risus sollicitudin pellentesque et non erat. Maecenas nibh dolor, malesuada et bibendum a, sagittis accumsan ipsum. Pellentesque ultrices ultrices sapien, nec tincidunt nunc posuere ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam scelerisque tristique dolor vitae tincidunt. Aenean quis massa uada mi elementum elementum. Nec sapien convallis vulputate rhoncus vel dui.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer adipiscing erat eget risus sollicitudin pellentesque et non erat. Maecenas nibh dolor, malesuada et bibendum a, sagittis accumsan ipsum. Pellentesque ultrices ultrices sapien, nec tincidunt nunc posuere ut. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam scelerisque tristique dolor vitae tincidunt. Aenean quis massa uada mi elementum elementum. Nec sapien convallis vulputate rhoncus vel dui.